Om Oss
LMI Norge er en del av den globale Leadership Management International -organisasjonen som har utviklet ledere og medarbeidere i mer enn 60 år i over 90 land.
Vår historie handler om personlig suksess for den enkelte. Det handler om å hjelpe personer til å utvikle måten de tenker og handler på, slik at de er bedre rustet til å oppnå mer suksess, slik de selv definerer det.
Vi anerkjenner at nesten alle, i store og små organisasjoner, på tvers av alle sektorer, ønsker å føle seg mer vellykket. Når de får muligheten vil de realisere sitt fulle potensial, til fordel for seg selv og organisasjonen de jobber for.
Vårt fokus er utviklingen av den enkelte. En organisasjon er en samling personer som trenger utvikling når de skal være alt de kan være; en organisasjon lykkes gjennom sine folk.
Det unike utvalget av LMIs personlige utviklingsprogrammer er designet for å ta enhver person og utvikle deres lederegenskaper; fra der de er nå til der de må være i fremtiden.
Vårt oppdrag er oppsummert i disse ordene som inspirerer og gjennomsyrer alt vi gjør:
Forandrer verden, én leder om gangen.
Utvikle ledere og organisasjoner til sitt fulle potensiale.
Want to know more?
Download the brochure to find out more about LMI and what the people we have worked with say about us.
Our Approach
Our unique approach has been developed over more than 50 years of real world experience, which has shaped the values and principles that underpin our innovative programmes.
Before commencing the Total Leader® programme, participants will be invited to undertake an advanced scientific assessment to better understand their mental abilities, their interests & motivations and their personality.
Time to change
We believe the personal and business aspects of your life will benefit from a long-term commitment to goal-setting. But we believe permanent change takes time, which is why our programmes are delivered over months, not covered in an afternoon or a weekend. This approach delivers measurable results, with a quantifiable return on your investment.
Results delivered
Every LMI programme is designed to nurture the talent within an individual. We help people develop and be all they can be, by changing their habits and attitudes. We help change the way people act, behave and think. Permanently.
The LMI approach to effective leadership development allows busy managers and supervisors to understand what is possible and the benefits they can expect by completing one, or all of our programmes on route to becoming the Total Leader® their organisation needs.
Coaching session
There is huge benefit in the regular coaching sessions, with our experienced facilitators ready to lead group or one-on-one discussions to review written action steps and measure progress against stated goals of the individual.
Our programmes are well-structured, but these coaching sessions are a good opportunity for participants to raise the challenges they face at work. This helps the programme facilitator better understand the context of how the Total Leader® solution can be tailored to the unique requirements of the individual.
Multi-sensory learning
Our programmes are designed to appeal to more of your senses, again to help the process of permanent change. By reading lessons and writing notes on the pages, then listening to audio files of the same lessons, information is more easily retained over the long term.
We always encourage hand writing notes rather than typing digital files because experience shows us more important information is retained and it helps the process of changing attitudes and behaviours. Permanently.
Process management and feedback
The end of each lesson features an Application and Action section, designed to stimulate discussion of the lesson material to elicit personal insights from participants, to help contextualise the programme.
A Plan of Action is included, which will help programme participants turn what they have learned into actions as they begin the transformative process of becoming a better leader and becoming a Total Person.
A mid-term and final evaluation is conducted to review progress and results. A final graduation presentation is given by the participant at the end of the programme.
Spaced repetition
One of the first to recognise the power of spaced repetition to improve retention of learning in the field of people development, LMI has delivered success for more than 50 years. Participants in our programmes explain that concepts not immediately clear, become more so as they progress through the programme.
Next steps
Our goal is always to achieve tangible personal and business results for clients. Isn’t it time you made the investment, nurtured the talent within and fulfilled your true potential or that of the people that will make a difference to the future of your organisation?
Why our approach works
Our programmes are designed to empower people to take responsibility for their own actions. Throughout the chosen programme, each participant will build their personal and business goals in order to achieve the overall objective.
These goals may be in several different areas of the individual’s life and their goals programme will definitely involve some degree of attitude change prior to the necessary behavioural change.
Once people start to think differently, they will begin to act differently. It is this process that leads to a shift in organisational culture.
Throughout each programme the participants are challenged to measure, monitor and report what they do and what results those actions deliver. They are encouraged to be honest.
We are available every step of the way to support, advise and challenge, to ensure competence and confidence are developed. It is this constant tracking that will ultimately lead to positive measurable and eventually visible results.
During the facilitation and development process we explore with relevant participants, the future direction and role of their organisation or department. We also determine the role of the participant as a part of the wider organisation.
Our role in this process is one of facilitator, not director. We recognise that the people most qualified to make these decisions, are the participants themselves.
We constantly refine our programmes to reflect changing practices and new challenges. We would love to keep you posted with updates, news and offers, so please sign up for our free newsletter, which also comes with interesting articles, tips and valuable insight into leadership in the modern age. You know it makes sense.