Setting personal goals can shape your future

setting personal goals LMI leadership management

Setting personal goals establishes a relationship between where you are currently and where you are aiming to be. Although the process sounds basic, many people do not follow a goal setting programme, as they do not know where to start. Firstly, they are unsure of where they currently stand, and have no clearly stated priorities…

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A positive attitude will define your success

positive attitude self image

To qualify as an effective leader, you must first hold a positive self-image. Effective leaders have belief in their own ability, and command respect from their team by behaving as a role model. Individuals with a positive attitude combine inner strength and courage to feed the self-respect and self-confidence needed to be an effective leader…

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High performance teams

How does your team perform? How do you rate it on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is poor and 10 excellent? Is it massively successful constantly delivering way past all expectations? Is it full of positively minded people working together to achieve challenging business goals? Is it autonomous, responding effectively to challenges…

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Sometimes simple gives the best results

Just the other day I was involved in a discussion about marketing strategies and exploring new ways to promote the leadership solutions I offer as a regional Director of LMI-UK. However, as much fun as this was, it struck me that while we were spending a lot of valuable time and effort looking at the…

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Traditional leadership training doesn’t work but the LMI approach does

Whilst facilitating an Effective Personal Productivity programme, I was asked by the participant why we refer repeatedly to the importance of spaced repetition, a central pillar of all LMI development programmes. The answer to many in this modern digital age is not that obvious. To illustrate the point of just how critical to long-term learning…

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Your Best Year Ever

I hope you are off to your Best Year EVER!  One of my favorite quotes from Paul J Meyer is, “You are either green and growing, or ripe and rotting.  You are on the up escalator, or the down escalator!”  There is no standing still.  You are either growing and developing, or you are shrinking and deteriorating. I…

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Goal Setting – Planning for Success

Success is deeply a personal thing. You may think you know exactly what you want to work towards, when in reality it’s someone else’s dream not yours. When it comes to setting goals and achieving them, you need to start thinking about what success means to you, not your peers, family or society. What will…

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How LMI Programmes can help with workplace stress

People often ask me why, as a mental health trainer, I am so passionate about productivity and what is the connection between the two. There are a number of different reasons, but the easiest to explain is the link between productivity in the workplace and positive mental health. The link between Stress and Mental Illness…

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Why Leadership for Women?

In this 20 minute conversation, Nick Howes will be asking just this question to Sue Benoke of LMI UK. Sue was initially sceptical when LMI, one of the world’s oldest and most successful leadership development organisations, announced it’s new ‘Leadership for Women’ programme. Why should be there be such a programme that is specifically tailored…

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Total leader Webinar

[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’Webinar – Foundations of Success’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote’ custom_font=” size=’35’ subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”][/av_heading] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] To consistently provide the quality and quantity of leaders required within any business requires a complete, integrated and repeatable leadership development process.” In this 24 minute webinar recording, Nick Howes explains why. [/av_textblock] [av_one_fifth first min_height=”…

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