SMART Goal Setting

In this the 21st Century most people fundamentally know that the basis for success is intricically linked to Goal Setting. LMI’s definition of SUCCESS takes it a step further by stating that success is “The progressive realisation of worthwhile predetermined personal goals”. Yet again, the key link relates to ‘Goals’. Now if this is acknowledged…

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Use Your Time Wisely

Do you remember being told as a child to “Use your time wisely?” followed by “Time is money”, and when all else failed, “Stop wasting your time!”  By themselves none of those statements had the long-term intended effect because as children we had “all the time in the world”.  Furthermore, being told to STOP anything…

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Feels like progress

There is something really important about the way that we humans are wired that we can use massively to our advantage if we understand it. We are happier and therefore perform better when it feels like we’re making progress. The idea of having key goals that you are working towards in and outside of work is…

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Total Leader Newsletter for September 2015

You can download our latest newsletter here. [av_button label=’Download Newsletter’ link=’manually,’ link_target=” size=’small’ position=’center’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue84e’ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-7mv1j’]

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Incompetent Bosses

A good article in the Daily Telegraph about the importance of Leadership and Management in small firms.

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The Slight Edge

We may have seen it before but this video is well worth a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or even 5th watch to remind us all of LMI’s simple but highly effective principle…..‘The Slight Edge’. One degree makes the difference  

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Set up a dynamic daily routine

Getting into a positive routine or groove, instead of a negative rut, will help you become more effective. Why is the subway the most energy efficient means of transportation? Because it runs on a track. Think of the order in your day instead of the routine. Order is not sameness, neatness or everything exactly in its…

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The Government’s Productivity Plan

People are the real secret to increasing productivity. The article in the Daily Telegraph was interesting and bears this idea out. For details on how to increase personal productivity, check out our Effective Personal Productivity Programme.

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Why Stand at the Brink of Ignorance?

When I first heard of the “Brink of Ignorance” during my under-graduate years at Stanford, I was already far over the brink and wallowing in ignorance. I was so immersed in it I thought it was the standard condition of life. I hadn’t yet grasped the difference between “not knowing” (ignorance) and “not caring” (apathy)…

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What’s your mind-set – Fixed or Growth

The world can be divided into learners and non – learners. Over emphasise on talent is why people become non- learners. Talent is just a starting point. When people have a fixed mind-set they are more concerned about what they have. With a growth mind-set your talent is just a starting point. The basis of…

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